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enzyme (lysozyme)

  Enzyme classes:
  EC 1: Oxidoreductases
  EC 2: Transferases
    EC 2.1
    EC 2.2
    EC 2.3
    EC 2.4
    EC 2.5
    EC 2.6
      EC 2.6.1
      EC 2.6.2
      EC 2.6.3
      EC 2.6.99
    EC 2.7
    EC 2.8
    EC 2.9
  EC 3: Hydrolases
  EC 4: Lyases
  EC 5: Isomerases
  EC 6: Ligases
  General information:
  Catalytic mechanism
  Enzyme kinetics
  Enzymes in industry

EC 2.6 Transferases that transfer nitrogenous groups

EC 2.6 subclass definition

The EC 2.6 subclass contains transferases that transfer nitrogenous groups. Further classification is based on the type of transferred nitrogenous group. During catalysis carried out by enzymes of EC 2.6 subclass, the donor usually amino acid, is oxidized to a ketone with subsequent reduction of the acceptor, but despite this, these enzymes are classified as transferases rather than oxidoreductases due to the high importance of this reaction in biochemistry.

Further classification of EC 2.5. subclass

Further classificatino is based on the type of transferred nitrogenous group
  • EC 2.6.1 - Transaminases may be replaced by aminotransferase.
  • EC 2.6.2 - Amidinotransferases. This group reclassified now as EC 2.1.4
  • EC 2.6.3 - Oximinotransaminases, transfer of an oxime group to an acceptor
  • EC 2.6.99 - Transferring all other nitrogenous groups
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